Cleaner fish policy

Owner/approver: COO of Farming 

Valid from: 2022-03-29



In order to ensure the best possible results from using cleaner fish as a means of biological lice control, we need proper routines and close follow-up. We focus on proper care to safeguard the health and welfare of the cleaner fish in every part of the value chain. We believe that this allows the cleaner fish to act as an efficient lice-eater.

The policy framework has strong support throughout the organisation, and its principles are reflected in both actions and established procedures. We will gradually achieve our goals by means of systematic and continuous improvements.

Valid for

This policy applies to all the Group's farming operations.


Cleaner fish: Wild-caught or farmed species in the Labridae family or farmed wrasse (Cyclopterus lumpus) used for biological delousing.

Biological delousing: Combating lice in marine production of salmon and trout using fish species that eat lice.


Framework and principles

The framework and principles follow, as a minimum, the provisions of the Norwegian Animal Welfare Act and the Regulations concerning aquaculture operations. We do our utmost to ensure proper welfare by:

  • Having personnel dedicated to cleaner fish who provide daily follow-up
  • Facilitating natural behaviour by creating a good habitat
  • Offering feed with customised nutritional contents
  • Promoting good health via preventive measures
  • Providing the same health care as that for salmon and trout

We also strive to avoid the use of more cleaner fish than deemed necessary to maintain good control of lice.

Roles and responsibilities

  • The management of LSG's Farming companies is responsible for ensuring implementation of this policy in daily operations in the respective companies. The fish health departments in the respective companies are responsible for carrying out inspections of the cleaner fish, in line with the inspections carried out for salmon and trout.

Policy ownership and implementation

  • The technical director for cleaner fish production (LSG) is the owner of and is responsible for updating this policy.
  • The policy has been approved by the Corporate Management Group, presented to the Audit Committee and approved by  the Board of Directors
  • The management of LSG's Farming companies is responsible for implementing the policy in daily operations.
  • The COO of Farming is responsible for approval of this document.