The Group focuses on eco-friendly solutions and works on keeping both direct and indirect emissions as low as possible.

The Group reports its Greenhouse Gas emissions according to Greenhouse Gas Protocol and reports Its Scope 1 (Direct emissions from own or controlled sources), Scope 2 (Indirect emissions from the generation from purchased energy and Scope 3 (indirect emissions (not included in scope 1 and 2) that occur in the value chain of the reporting company, including both upstream and downstream emissions) emissions.

The  Group has set a Science Based Target which is approved by The Steering Committee of The Science Based Targets initiative.

Scienced based targets logo

By introducing Science Based Targets, The Group has set a clear direction for its emission reductions throughout the entire value chain. Both the company's Board, Group management and employees are supporting the goals that have been set and will work together through "One Lerøy" to ensure that we achieve the goals that have been set.


 “Lerøy Seafood Group ASA commits to reduce absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions 46% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.”

The target is aligned with a 1,5 degrees C pathway.

Greenhouse gas emissions

The tables provide a summary of  key consumption figures for fossil fuels and electricity as well as greenhouse gas emissions (tco2e) per segment and in total.


  Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021
Diesel liters 2 262 514 2 591 190 2 654 552 2 893 492
Marine gas oil (MGO) liters 3 540 849 3 656 064 3 525 430 3 461 428
Petrol liters 189 287 264 596 414 031 471 823
Biodiesel fuel (HVO) liters - - -
LPG (Propane) kg - - - -

Fuel oil

liters 26 202 84 271 206 904 45 916
Refrigerants kg 228 1 670 478 379
Wild catch          
Diesel liters 3 192  9 781 8 033  10 798
Marine gas oil (MGO) liters 36 538 544 35 559 152 38 723 297

43 309 534

LPG (Propane) kg 1 502 211 780

2 013

LPG (Propane) liters - 203 1 136 -
Petrol liters - - 503 486
Refrigerants kg 504 - - -

VAP, Sales and Distribution

Diesel liters 196 923 558 697 404 058 476 053
Petrol liters 25 154 24 260 28 087 44 521

Natural gas

m3 18 620 24 266 78 553 189 628
LPG (Propane) kg 957 50 935 53 825 36 588
LPG (Propane) liters - - 132 -
Fuel oil liters 19 254 17 525 18 051 21 795
Refrigerants kg 74 3 93 1 680

The Group



liters 2 462 629 3 159 669 3 066 643 3 380 334
Marine gas oil (MGO) liters 40 079 393 39 183 756 42 248 727 46 770 962
Petrol liters 214 441 288 856 442 621 516 830
Biodiesel fuel (HVO) liters - - - -
Natural gas m3 18 620 24 266 78 553 189 628
LPG (Propane) kg 2 459 51 146 54 605 38 601
LPG (Propane) liters - 203 1 268 -
Fuel oil liters 45 456 101 796 224 955 67 711
Refrigerants kg 806 1 673 571 2 059



  Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021


MWh 86 852

98 662

134 355

144 203

Wild catch


19 267

10 803

25 380

24 137

VAP, Sales and Distribution


14 664

25 560

29 532 37 388

The Group


120 783

135 025

189 267

205 728



  Unit 2018 2019 2020 2021

Scope 1


16 412

18 249

18 429

18 706

Scope 2 (Location based)


3 908

3 847

5 508

4 470



20 320

22 096

23 937

23 176


Wild catch


Scope 1 


101 399

98 720

107 499

120 237

Scope 2 (Location based)


867 421

1 040




102 266

99 141

108 539

120 985







VAP, Sales and Distribution






Scope 1



1 814

1 881

2 579

Scope 2 (Location based)


2 633

2 764

3 387

4 362



3 602

4 578

5 268

6 941







The Group






Scope 1


118 782

118 785

127 810

141 523

Scope 2 (Location based)


7 409

7 033

9 936

9 581

Scope 3


1 720

1 292 739

1 284 641

1 157 173



1 279 11

1 418 557

1 422 387

1 308 277













Annual Scope 2 Market-Based GHG Emissions


35 365

28 443

50 409

 49 208


CO2e emissions for fish are in general low. When compared with other types of  proteins we eat, salmon has the lowest eco-footprint.


Lerøy Seafood Group («Lerøy») is continuously working to improve its CO2e emission monitoring and reporting. Information regarding emissions is crucial for understanding and responding to environmental challenges. However, we acknowledge that we need to strive to improve the data quality and current reported numbers will be amended if we identify any deviations.   

The Group has completed a comprehensive analysis of climate related risks and opportunities which the Group is facing over short, medium and long term. This analysis has confirmed the importance of measuring, monitoring and reporting our environmental performance.

Lerøy has set ambitious science-based targets to reduce our carbon footprint: We aim to reduce our CO2e emissions by 46% by 2030 compared to 2019 levels. (ref: Climate Policy). Lerøy has defined 2019 as the base year for our science-based climate target as this was the first year all operating segments in the Group were conducting greenhouse gas emission reporting for Scope 1, 2 and 3. The Group’s operating segments are the following: 1) Wild Catch 2 ) Farming  and 3) Value Added Processing which also includes sales and distribution.

The reported emission figures have been collected throughout 2021 from relevant suppliers via invoices and direct monitoring and are based on the same data source as the figures reported in Lerøy’s 2020 annual report.   

Our emissions are reported in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. The Group accounts for Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions over which it has operational control. Reporting units account for their use of fossil fuels, refrigerants, electricity as well as district heating/cooling. Climate account statements are consolidated in the same manner as financial statements showing aggregated results for the Group’s entities (reporting units).

The Group’s Scope 3 is reported in accordance with GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard. The Group has carried out mapping of its “carbon hotspots” identifying the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions which are included in the Group’s Scope 3 climate accounts. For more detailed information, please, see table Scope 3 Overview per Category below.


Emission factors

Emissions data for Scope 1, 2 and 3 covers reporting of the following greenhouse gases: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs). The Group has not reported any biogenic CO2 emissions in Scope 1 or Scope 3 in 2021. 

Source for Scope 1 emission factors used for calculation of tCO2e is DEFRA (Department for Environmental Food and Rural Affairs, UK Government), 2021 as well as National Standard Emission Factors (Norwegian Environment Agency), 24th February 2015.

Source for location-based Scope 2 emission factors used for calculation of CO2e is International Energy Agency (IEA) for 2019. The factors used are based on national gross electricity production mixes on 3 years rolling average. The Nordic electricity mix used to calculate the Group’s location-based Scope 2 emissions are based on 2019 factors. The Nordic electricity mix factor is developed by Cemasys (sustainability consultancy company and service provider for registration and calculation of climate accounts) covers the weighted production in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark reflecting the common Nord Pool market area. Emission factors per fuel type are based on assumption in the IEA methodological framework. Factors for district heating/ cooling are either based on actual (local) production mixes, or average IEA stat.

The Group has not purchased Guarantees of Origin in 2021.

Regarding market-based emissions – the choice of emission factor using this method is determined by whether the business acquires Guarantees of Origin or not. For electricity without the Guarantee of Origin, the emission factor is based on the remaining electricity production after all Guarantees of Origin for renewable energy are sold. This is residual mix, which is normally substantially higher than the location-based factor.

Source for Scope 3 emission factors used for calculation of tCO2e is DEFRA (Department for Environmental Food and Rural Affairs, UK Government) 2021, International Energy Agency (IEA) 2021, Greenhouse gas emissions of Norwegian seafood products in 2017, SINTEF study, Emission factors from fish feed producers 2021, Database Ecoinvent 3.8 (2021).


Scope 3 Overview per category (2021)





1. Purchased goods and services

The consumption data is based on purchased volumes throughout the year. Information about the fish feed carbon intensity is collected from relevant fish feed suppliers.

EPS boxes. Information regarding EPS boxes (number, type, properties) is collected from the Group’s companies.
586 050

Capital goods




Fuel and energy related activities

Well to Tank (WTT)**. Calculations based on the existing consumption data volumes collected from the Group’s companies throughout the year. The calculation is based on the reported consumption data for Scope 1 and 2 (for more detailed information, see table Total Consumption of Fossil Fuels (Scope 1) above. 35 728

Upstream transportation and distribution (outbound transportation)

Transportation services (sea transportation, well boats). Consumption data collected from sea transportation/ well- boat service providers (calculations include WTT).

Transportation of produced products to customers. Information collected from the Group’s Logistics department. The calculations are based on distance from capital to capital. The emission factors used are determined by type of transportation mode.
531 941

Waste generated in operations

Waste. Information regarding volumes collected from the Group’s companies throughout the year.

1 747

Business travel

Air travel (business travel by air). Information regarding distances traveled is collected from travel agent the Group uses (including WTT). 508
7. Employee commuting     N/A  -
8. Upstream leased assets N/A  -
9. Downstream transportation and distribution N/A  -

Processing of sold products

Processing of white fish and red fish. Information regarding volumes collected from the Group’s companies.

1 197


Use of sold products

N/A -

End-of-life treatment of sold products

N/A -

Downstream leased assets 

N/A -


N/A -


N/A -

*For more detailed information regarding the categories, please visit Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting standard

**A Well-to-Tank emissions factor, also known as upstream or indirect emissions, is an average of all the GHG emissions released into the atmosphere from the production, processing and delivery of a fuel or energy vector.


GHG emissions calculations methodology (developed by Cemasys)


  • Changing feed content/ ingrediences
  • Less transportation by air
  • Switching to alternative fuels

What causes our emissions?

GHG emissions intensity

The Group’s emissions ratio is calculated in the following manner: tCO2 (Scope 1 & Scope 2)/tons Produced volume

GHG emissions intensity Farming (Tons CO2/ tons gross growth): 0.057

Tons CO2 Farming_annual report

GHG emissions intensity Wild Catch (Tons CO2/ tons headed/gutted fish): 1.127

Tons CO2 Wild catch_annual report

GHG emissions intensity VAP, Sales & Distribution (Tons CO2/ tons products sold): 0.117

Tons CO2 VAP, sales and distribution

Climate accounts

Climate accounts CO2e